April 25, 2007

On Bonding and Boundaries

This photo shows the embryo at 4 weeks. It is surrounded by the amnion and shows the thin amniotic sack around the embryo, then the chorionic fluid and sac and finally the squamous tissue reaching into the nutrient rich walls of the uterus.
All of these fluids and tissues are of the same DNA as the original new fertilized egg. So we become not only ourselves, but our own environment & supporting tissues. Development is initiated and formed not only from the sources within us, but our own fluid and cell movements acting upon us.
We decide how to interact and take in from our next environment which is the mother.

My first our environment is myself in different form. What is it like to know that we lay in our own amniotic fluid, not that of our mother? What is it like to know that we are suspended from our own cells inside the uterine wall? that the placenta is of our DNA? And any nutrients, warmth and fluid are filtered as they flow into our environment and finally into what will become us?

Lay in the fluid/membrane surrounding you and know that you are of this world, that you are protected , nourished and guided from within and without of the experience of yourself.

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